Picture of Destron created by Mitch Death for the WoW.com art contest
My dead hands dragged across the crinkled parchment, over letters blending in with the stains and the grime. How many times had I perused those pages under the phosphorescent glow of molds, reading them through sockets without eyes? Dripping water echoed in the tiny cell, a dismal home I’d found after limping into the asylum called Undercity, fresh from resurrection.
I, Destron Allicant, remember those first days, the darkness of the tunnels rent with sobs and unanswered prayers. Too stunned to feel the grief of my fellows, I retreated. Whatever else I’d forgotten in death, the spark of magic remained in my soul and I threw myself into studies, raiding abandoned libraries to find books that could teach more of the Art.
I sought power through understanding, so that I might return to the world above and deliver retribution to those who desecrated my life. On the rare times I spoke to others they told me their own dreams of vengeance, and we promised that we would stand together, united by hatred.
In time, I saw newcomers walking the dank catacombs of Undercity, the green-skinned enemies of old returned as friends. I paid it little heed at the time; what did I care if savages offered aid? Books of the arcane awaited my attentions, and I huddled in my cell to better learn their contents.
But hatred makes for poor nourishment. Weeks passed in solitude, my only accompaniment the taunting memories of life. I recalled the frustration I had felt studying similar tomes as a callow youth, in Dalaran’s sunlit gardens and turrets. The world was so rich in those days, every horizon shining with promise. The Forsaken spoke of vengeance, but what came after? The orcs, who strode the deathly halls with such confidence, seemed to offer more. They saw a future that my kindred could not.
Indeed, what transpired in the world above? The years had passed over me in the dark, trapped in a tomb of my own making. Nothing kept me in Undercity. In that place, there was only the certainty of justice, perhaps better called revenge, but empty by any name.
Putting the book back in its moldering shelf, I got to my feet. Stone walls, slick with niter, seemed to press in on me. Disgust festered in my mouth. What was there for me in such a place? More troubling: What was there for me, a walking corpse, in any place? At that moment, I resolved to find out.
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Picture of Destron by Norbert Toth |
((This is a travelogue through Blizzard's "World of Warcraft." All pictures are taken from World of Warcraft or other Blizzard Entertainment stories. The setting and some of the characters are the property of Blizzard Entertainment.
This travelogue consists of my own conjectures and theories about the historical and cultural aspects of Azeroth (and Outland). I've tried to stick to established lore as closely as possible. That said, this should not be mistaken for a concrete source of lore or information. This is, after all, fan fiction.
This is a very long work, so do not feel obliged to read all of it. Just read the zones that interest you, and in any order you please. There's not much of a driving narrative for the travelogue, so you can pick and choose at your leisure.
The travelogue has its own forum, which also hosts discussion of my original works, the World of Warcraft itself, and various miscellanea.
Azeroth and Outland are both dangerous places, and while Destron (the narrator) is not particularly violent, he does occasionally encounter some dark things. It's not really any worse than what's already in the game, but I just wanted to give readers a heads up about this.
Please leave comments, or email them to destron@live.com. My characters in-game are: Felya (undead priest), Aurelan (human warlock) - Feathermoon US, Lenlo (troll warrior) - Thorium Brotherhood US.))
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I really enjoyed reading your Travelogue. Looking forward to more.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your work -- over the past months I've made my way though nearly all your entries. Your work is an enjoyable mix of Warcraft lore and your own details. It's the "Tales of Loral Ciriclight" of Warcraft (my favorite fan work from EverQuest). Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteyour travelogue is composed of beautiful, well-written pieces, wonderful complements to the original warcraft lore.
ReplyDeletei love it, and i think anyone who enjoys lore will too. :)
Wonderful, I rarely read fan fiction or anything coming close to that category, but your work is written with such style and splendor that I just HAVE to keep on reading!
ReplyDeleteYou even gave me motivation to do something similar with my next RP character. Keep up the good work! I do hope you're enjoying writing this as much as we readers are enjoying...well.. reading it!
This is the best wow fan fiction I've ever read. Truly a game enhancing experience. Keep up the good work.
This fanfic is a fantastic addition to what we already know of Warcraft lore. I've read almost every piece and eagerly look forward to more. Keep up the great work! :)
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely brilliant, well written and well thought out ideas. An excellent way to fill in the gaps in lore, thanks for writing this as it has immensely insreased my enjoy of World of Warcraft. Keep writing!
ReplyDeleteAh, this story is great, and tells the whole backstory of most of Azeroth, this is truly great story and made me vist most of the places in the journal. it was also done with a stunning view of the world.
ReplyDeleteA great piece of literature. Definitely book quality. I took it up some months ago and I can't stop. Love the detail. Thank you. I love it.
ReplyDeleteWow, truly amazing. I read the wholes thing. You definitely have skill, and I think more people should be like Destron. Of course, you are Destron but yeah!
ReplyDeleteI love your work, it's really amazing. My pre-paid's down now so I have time to read the whole thing. One question: will I see tBC zones in your travelouge?
ReplyDeleteThanks Valiath. Some of the BC zones are already up; they're under the '08 entries instead of the '07 entries though.
ReplyDeleteGreat Stuff! I'm only at Teldrassil, but I can tell it will be great. By when do you think you'll have the Outland zones?
ReplyDeleteHey, Destron. Your work is simply amazing. I dont know where you found the time to write all of this, but I am glad you did. (You might remember my earlier comment about the Twilight Grove in the Duskwood article, posted under "Anonymous".) Anyway, I just wanted to ask if you've ever considered going into a few of the dungeons themselves in your stories. I understand that you must be a little pressed for time with all of the new zones appearing with the expansions and patches, but if you had the time, it would be awesome if you could include a little about them (maybe just the ones that tie into your journeys). Thanks, and keep writing!
ReplyDeleteThanks Drew.
ReplyDeleteI've had people ask me about doing more to include instances in the travelogue. The short and simple answer is that I don't really like doing instances in-game; I tend to get restless and impatient when I do. In fact, the highest-level instance I've done is Sethekk Halls, and I've never been to a single raid instance in 3.5 years of playing.
Also it's kind of tricky to justify having Destron visit instances. So far, Zul'farrak's been the only instance Destron has actually entered (since he didn't really go inside the Scarlet Monastery per se).
It's possible that I might explore more instances in the future, but don't count on it. There's a lot of great material there, but I think it's best that someone else write about them.
I just finished all the zones and I have to say that this is really amazing. My favorite is still Stranglethorn, but I thought that all of them were really well done. I really like the way you're able to invent new stuff that still blends seamlessly with the already existing lore. Any hope of having Outland soon?
ReplyDeleteI'm currently writing the entry on Silvermoon City; I'm about halfway through. Once that's done, I'll start on the Outland sections.
ReplyDeleteDo you mind if I spread this around? I'll be sure to give you all the credit. I know a lot of people would definately be interested in this.
ReplyDeleteBy all means! I've already spread it around most of the WoW RP sites, so check before posting a link at those places. Beyond that though, go for it. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWell done, I am also a writer, of course only in gr.10 goin to 11 atm. But well done Ive so far only read the tristanfall glades storie. But I must say very well done. I am currently writing, one of my own made up books, I still havent figured out a name for the chapters or title. But it is about these elves who enslave humans an such. With ogres n dragons. I hope Ill be able to finish it. Just something I wanted to include. Thanks again for writing this wonderful blog/artical or stroy or what ever you like to call it once again I would like to say WELL DONE.!!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that Destron is continuing his travelogue into Outland! You did such an amazing job depicting the inhospitable Plaguelands at the start of the travelogue - I cannot wait to see what Destron finds among the remains of Draenor.
ReplyDeleteLike I said once before, this travelogue is excellent at filling in the details of Azeroth and breathing life into every aspect of it's locales and inhabitants. Every time I read a section I look at that zone in a whole new light. I know the history of Warcraft pretty well, but I love the way you extrapolate on the ideas in the past and current game material to find compelling new explanations for why things are the way they are.
Thanks for making this. I truly think I enjoy World of Warcraft twice as much for having read it. I encourage everyone who's a fan of the game's lore and history to give it a read.
I agree with an earlier comment that this is the best WoW-fiction around. Really brings the zones to life. Great resource for roleplayers.
ReplyDeleteHope Destron is going to jump on the ship to Northerend.
Just got back to reading it (There's so much been added since I last found the time).
ReplyDeleteComments should be going up on the Moonglade forum soon, keep up the good work.
Mister Destron, do let us know when your reworking of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor chapters will be finished. Looking forward to a pretext to go through them again.
ReplyDeleteI've finished editing the Eastern Kingdoms. I haven't gotten very far in Kalimdor; I'll edit those once I finish Shadowmoon Valley.
ReplyDeleteHi Destron, I love the blog, it has inspired me to explore azeroth again :)
ReplyDeleteDo you plan to do Northrend?
Yes I do. I'm not guaranteeing anything after Northrend, however.
ReplyDeleteHello, Destron!
ReplyDeleteMy friends and I are planning on opening a 'library' on our RP server, using an addon called Gryphonheart Items to create books and magazine periodicals. I was wondering if, with your permission, we could reference some of your materials in these works, or even use chapters of the blog itself as a sort of Azerothian version of Travel.
I know you usually respond to comments here, but if you'd like I can be contacted at lulu.bee4841 at yahoo.com.
Thanks for the wonderful roleplaying resource, regardless!
To Anonymous intending to open an RP library:
ReplyDeleteI sent you an email in response, did you ever get it? Anyway, in case you didn't, I wholeheartedly support the idea, and am honored to be a part of it. Just be sure to credit me, and provide a link to this blog.
Happy Winter Veil Destron.
ReplyDeleteAw, thanks.
ReplyDeleteOh, and a Happy Winter's Veil to you as well, Funian and anyone else who's reading this.
ReplyDeleteI know you are just a member of albatrosbits and not a forum mod or anything (actually I couldn't find any mods to try to contact.) But whenever I try to register on there I get the same message about a mailing error during my registration process. I have tried and failed to register three times using 3 different emails. I was just wondering if you had any tips on how to avoid this since you are a registered member. Feel free to delete this post though since it doesn't pertain to your travelogue. ^_^
ReplyDeleteIt might be because the forums really aren't very active any longer. If you want to discuss this in more detail, email me at destron@live.com.
ReplyDeletehello! I found your stories a while ago, but I'd only read Zangarmarsh at the time. your writing style inspired me to start writing my own little stories about my characters - in fact, I was thinking of your entries for the past few months and just found them again today. Stranglethorn Vale is my favorite so far - thanks very much for sharing those adventures with us =)
ReplyDeleteI must admit I ran into your blog a few years ago and I must have read it from cover to cover about 3 times now, however, it never ceases to impress and amaze me. I guess what I'mean trying to say is THANK YOU! I hope all is well with you and your career. You really deserve it. Take care.